Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Social Media: Using it Strategically - A Rough Draft of My Storify

Social Media: Using it Strategically

This is a review of how I've learned and used social media media platforms as beneficial tools in Integrated Marketing Communications. By Nicole Valerio

*Please see my Storify Post with correct images, for some reason I could not get them to transfer over with my blog post. Any help you can offer me on this would be fantastic!

In completing my Master's Degree in Integrated Marketing Communcations at Marist College, one of the most interesting courses thus far has been Social Media Strategies and Tactics. Throughout this course we learned how to create a Blog, manage a Twitter accounts, "pin" on Pinterest, and had the opportunity to participate in an interactive Facebook Group. I will be sharing my overall learnings and experiences from this course in this Storify paper. Posted below is a link to my blog, which will be referenced throughout this Storify.

INTRODUCTION:Being somewhat familiar with social media for personal use prior to this class, I was excited to learn more about how to use social media as a professional tool that can benefit one's own career, business, and/or organization. I am about halfway through the IMC program at Marist and have really enjoyed the program so far. I received my Bachelor's Degree at Marist and thought completing my Master's Degree online through my alma mater. Throughout my experience professionally, social media has been present and I found that it has become not only important, but essential to know how to use tools such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn in a manner that comes across as professional and informative.


David Meerman Scott stated that blog have a become a popular way to create content "because the technology is such an easy and efficient way to get personal (or organizational) viewpoints out into the market." (Scott, 2013) I found that creating a blog was not all that difficult, and it was an effective way to communicate topics and start discussions with my fellow classmates in Marist Com610. My Site Policies can be viewed by clicking here.

"Comments from readers offering different viewpoints from the original post are actually a good thing on a blog, because they add credibility to your viewpoint by showing two sides of an issue and by highlighting that your readership is passionate enough to want to contribute to a debate on your blog." (Scott, 2013) My plan was to share my blog posts each week using Twitter and Pinterest as promotional tools to attract users and encourage interaction on my blog posts. When posting my blogs, I tagged key words such as "social media," "twitter," "marketing," "Marist," etc. to help promote search. Below is an example of how I used Twitter to promote my posts. I always made sure to hashtag the topics we were discussing, along with our course hashtag "#marist610" to make it easy for students to locate.

At the start of each week, I made sure to post my blogs by the Wednesday deadline to enable students to start their comments and discussions by mid week. I made sure to follow up with each student who commented on my blog, offering answers, new topics, and personal insight to whatever they contributed to the discussion.

In order to keep my blog posts interesting, I took Eric Qualman's advice and included photos and video links. Qualman quite simply put that "photos can drive a tremendous amount of traffic by people looking for images via search engines. Also, they make the article more enjoyable for your readers." (Qualman, 2013)

I also used  Qualman's advice and added my posts to Pinterest with the image I used to generate traffic to my blogs. "If you have a particularly great image you've posted, make sure that you post and pin the image on places like Pinterest." (Qualman, 2013) Below is an example of one of my 'Pins' on February 25th.
    Pin by Nicole Valerio on My Social Media Class Board | Pinterest

    In order to analyze how successful my blog was throughout the course, I measured it by how many page views and comments I received each week. Although one of my goals was to increase comments, I maintained a steady average of 17-18 views each week. My post in Week 6, received 74 page views and 17 comments, in comparison to my post from Week 5 which received 61 page views and 18 comments, and then lastly in comparison to my post from Week 4, which received 69 views and 19 comments. I was satisfied to have increased my page views in Week 6 to the highest I've seen.
    Below is a recap of the views and comments I received. (Actually, if someone could help explain to me how I can correctly display these statistics from Blogger, that would be really helpful. I'd like to transfer the visuals over to Storify so everyone can actually see them on here rather than having to click an outside link.)

    Below is another example of how my page views increased, each time I participated in another classmate's discussion, or used a promotional tool.


      "Blogs are free like a puppy, not free like a beer. In order for them to grow strong and healthy, they require time and care." (Qualman, 2013) To make sure your blog successfully runs, you have to keep up with it. I learned that comments should not be left unanswered for more than one day, otherwise users will lose interest on the topic and could even forget that they were interested in what you were writing about. It's important to interact with those who are commenting on your blog. As I quoted Scott above, comments from other readers "add credibility to your viewpoint by showing tow sides of an issue and by highlighting that your reader is passionate enough to want to contribute to your blog." (Scott, 2013) Make sure to keep your users and followers engaged by using social media to promote yourself and draw the reader in. Supportive content, such as video links and interesting images help to keep the blog more appealing.

      Not only did I learn how to successfully maintain a professional blog, twitter, and pinterest account, I learned that its important to manage these accounts with responsibly and security. “When you’re doing stuff online, you should behave as if you’re doing it in public — because increasingly, it is.” (Lohr, 2010)
      Also, by integrating your social media accounts together, you reach a wider audience than if you only relied on one social media platform.

      1. Lohr, S. (2010, March 16). How Privacy Vanishes Online. Retrieved February 26, 2014, from The New York Times website:  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/17/technology/17privacy.html?_r=1&

        Qualman, E. (2013). Socialnomics: How social media transforms the way we live and do business, 2nd edition. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons.

        Scott, D. (2013). The new rules of marketing & PR:How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases & viral marketing to reach buyers directly (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


      1. Hi Nicole,

        I think you have done a terrific job explaining how this class has helped you achieve success with your blog!

        You have provided textual content that explained how you used others' comments to show credibility and differing view points on your blog. You have provided examples of tweets and the use of hashtags and key words. You also used links to your blog, as well as snapshots of info from your blog, as suggested.

        Since you mentioned that you had a social media presence before this class, have your tweets become more involved since taking this class. By this I mean, for example, my first tweet did not include @'s, or hashtags, which I later learned were helpful in generating views and traffic. Being somewhat of a pro before class began, did these things progress even more for you?

        Also, how specifically did you integrate your social media accounts? Did your Facebook lead to Pinterest, and then your pins lead to your blog? Or did all of your efforts lead directly to your blog?

        As for the photos transferring ... I had a similar problem when posting videoas and photos while using the interface from Blogger to YouTube - the videos would not show in my blog on all operating systems, such as Windows vs. Apple. However, when I used the reverse interface, going from YouTube to post in Blogger, the videos showed in all operating systems. I am not certain if this may be the same problem for you or not, but it is a suggestion.

        Also, Mark has explained how to capture images from your blog from the Media toolbar in Note 8, in the Sample Format for Storify at:


        I hope one of these two suggestions will work for you!

        Great job Nicole!

        1. Hi Dawn,

          Thanks for your feedback! I hardly consider myself a social media pro. When I began this class I was still fairly new to Pinterest. On Twitter, I was aware of how to use hashtags and the @ symbol to mention others, but this course helped me understand why they're so important to use with every tweet when promoting for business.

          Also, I did link my Pinterst to my Twitter, and my Twitter to my Blog, and my Blog to my Google+ account. The only thing I did not really link my school accounts to was my Facebook page because I wanted to keep my Facebook relatively private, (though I did participate in the Facebook group for the class.)

          You mention a good point. I didn't think about the effect of using Windows vs. Apply to transfer my photos. I have a Mac, so that could explain why I was having some issues. Also, thanks for sharing Mark's note!


        2. Hi Nicole,

          Was the Windows/Apple issue get resolved for you? I hope so.

          I know I am still having some problems working out the Storify kinks, so it is a blessing in disguise that we now have the extended timeframe!


      2. Nicole,
        Great start to your story. I really like how you used smaller blocks of text, to me, this give the your story a nice flow.

        I like the segments you chose from the readings to explain your blog goals.

        I like how you noted your page views and comments. When you are able to add the images from blogger, it will really make these numbers pop.
        Here is how I added my images- I took a screen shot. ( I use a mac) if you have windows you can either take a screen shot or use the Snipping tool. Once you have the image, save it as a JPEG and upload to Flicker. From there you can embed the image and then copy the link into Storify under the link image icon on the top right of the screen. I hope this make sense and it works for you.

        Look forward to how the rest of your story goes.
        Thank you,

        1. Got it, thanks Joanna! In reading some of the other students' blog posts, I've seen a few others that have been using Flicker as well. I will give that a try.

        2. If you need any help with Flicker, just let me know.
          Thank you,

      3. Nicole,

        I think that you are off to a great start! I love your quote at the end from Qualman about the puppy and beer!

        I saw above that Joanna answered your question about posting images and content into your Storify paper. I used the same process as Joanna and saved the images into a Flicker account. The statistics that you entered were great. It may help to add some of the graphs and charts from Goolge analytics so that people can visually see the progression.

        I think once you have more images and examples, your paper will look great!


      4. Hi Nicole,

        I agree with Joanna and Travis ... your Storify looks great! In your conclusion, it would really make your story come together if you talk about how you were able to reach your goals ... was it your Twitter tweets, or Pinterest, or a clever combination, etc. Also, are there areas where you feel you could have improved, and if so, how would you adjust your strategy.

        How will you use this social media strategy learning experience in your daily work life?

        Great job Nicole!

        1. Hi Dawn,

          I agree! I definitely intend to put all of that in there. It's great that we get to share our rough drafts with the class. All this feedback is really helping me!

      5. Hi Nicole,

        Great Storify draft. For your activities section, you may want to provide more info by talking about your weekly blog posts in more detail. You had some great posts throughout class - definitely pull out some of those highlights or screenshots. You can even talk about what social media tools you used to drive traffic to your blog.

        Good luck!


        1. Hi Tara,

          Thanks for the tip. I was thinking of that while reading some of the other classmates Storify papers and want to reference my blog posts some more Thanks for your feedback!


      6. Hey Nicole, this page is looking nice. I see that a lot of people commented already about adding images. It will definitely help to breakup the page by adding images to showcase the tweets/statuses you used to promote the blog.

        Michael mentioned a great tactic for my analysis section. He said that I should not only list the results I achieved, but I should give an analysis of what those metrics mean. Was the increase in page views due to you tweeting more or responding to more blog posts, etc.

        I also saw a few typos in the sentence below that I wanted to point out. You don't need to capitalize the b in blog, and you can remove the s in Twitter accounts.

        Throughout this course we learned how to create a Blog, manage a Twitter accounts, "pin" on Pinterest, and had the opportunity to participate in an interactive Facebook Group.

        Great job!

        1. Thanks for the feedback Amanda and for catching some of the grammatical errors! I will also be working on a further analysis of my metrics, along with how I was able to increase my page views.


      7. Hi Nicole,

        I see you remembered to include the citations, which I completely forgot ... and so did many others of the class, after reading their stories.

        Excellent job, and thanks for the reminder to us all!

      8. Nicole,

        I really liked the quote you used to introduce the plans and policies section. It definitely fits with the what this class is trying to teach us and the importance of social media. I really liked what you did for your analysis as well. You talked about the views for each week and also stated what you averaged per week throughout the course. In the weeks that your views were not as high do you feel there was anything in particular that lead to this?
        The I also really liked what you put into the conclusion. You did a good job of describing what you learned and discussed integrating different types of media. After this course, is there anything especially on the weeks that you views were not as high, that you would have changed in order to improve your views?

        Great Post!

      9. Hi Ian, thanks for your feedback! I think during the weeks that were not as high, I could have posted earlier in the week. I really feel like this would have made a difference. I also could have increased my twitter and pinterest activity in relation to my blog, and posted more frequently throughout the week. Do you feel this is something I should add to my conclusion?
